Balavihar Program

Bala Vihar inculcates the values of Sanatana Dharma, as taught in our scriptures helping us to grow.

Gītā Chanting

Embrace the Bhagavad Gītā main point whole-heartedly to live a life of pure joy and contentment!

Events Live Stream

A variety of puja’s and events are available via Live Stream.


Madhuvan has a lot of activities that one can participate in, enjoy. 

Facility Rental

A beautiful auditorium is available in the Chinmaya Madhuvan facility.

Language Classes

Bharat has a variety of cultures, traditions, languages, music and much more. Come, experience and enjoy these at Madhuvan.

Gurudev's Anecdotes

Follow this link to access all the Anecdotes by Pujya Gurudev


SuKeRaMa is a newsletter which talks about the events and activities at all Chinmaya Philadelphia centers. 

Madhuvan Library

Our library has a variety of books in many languages from Bharat available for purchase.


Devotees can donate or sponsor in various ways.